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The Secret Place

Aug 21, 2019 | Lady Rose Devotionals

Lady Rose – March 2019

  This morning I woke up with these words in my spirit “I am after your heart” I always trust the guidance of ABBA to release a word in season and this morning with these words in my heart Abba released me to share a word that He has been preparing in my heart.

It is time to enter into the ark

I woke up at 5am a few weeks ago, with the sound of 3 heartbeats. It was so clear and loud that it woke me up, my heart was beating and I got a fright, at that moment I thought that I must pray for my husband who is on the road, but after my emotions settled down Abba started speaking. He said to me “that was my heartbeat, I woke you up to the rhythm of MY heartbeat, it is time for my children to wake up and get into the ark”

It was so real I can’t explain it in words, hearing the heartbeat of our ABBA Father.

For a while I meditated on this word and then the revelation came from the Holy Spirit.

Jesus is the door into the ark, we enter into the heart of the Father through His beloved Son Jesus Christ. There was only one door into the ark as there is only one door into the heart of the Father. The heart of ABBA is the secret place that Psalm 91 speaks about, you can only enter in if you have completely and unselfishly laid your life down to serve our Lord Jesus Christ.

Noah obeyed and he built the ark against all odds, as in this time ABBA is calling His children to obey against all odds, He is calling His children to prepare themselves to enter into the ark, He is calling His children to lay down the cares and things of this world so that they can enter in, you cannot enter into the ark, heart of Abba with the baggage of this world. You cannot enter in with unforgiveness, bitterness, hatred, religion, old mindsets, stuck in your old ways, unteachable, not willing to change, following man and not God. Etc.

We are in a time where we need to make a clear choice whom we will serve, you cannot serve two masters, you cannot enter into the ark (ABBA’s heart, the secret place) while still partaking in the things of this world.

Sanctification and holiness are the words and teachings that people do not want to hear, but we serve a Holy God and He has prepared a place for us in His presence through giving us His Son Jesus Christ, to die on the cross, you cannot enter into this Holy place with an uncircumcised heart.

Noah prepared the ark in the presence of the people and he told them what was coming, but they laughed at him. In the same way today Christian’s are laughing, they have become so numb to sugar coated teachings that soothes their ears..

2 Timothy 4:3-4

For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.

The Word of God warns us, but just like with Noah, today when people teach on sanctification, holiness and being set a part, they “laugh” it off by using the one Main reason to justify themselves “Jesus has done it all on the cross” yes He did die for us, but we still have to do our part, the death of Christ paid for so much more than just salvation.

Wake up children of God, Noah still had to built and prepare the ark. God gave Him the solution, but he still had to prepare and built the ark. In the same way ABBA gave us His Son, His blood, His life, His ALL, our part is to surrender our lives unto Him and allow Him to sanctify us and prepare us for His return. We have to be prepared. He gave us His Word and the Holy Spirit to lead and guide us.

Then Abba showed me, once Noah and His family entered the ark the door was sealed and the rain came. Even though everything around them was destroyed and even though they were in the midst of chaos they were kept safe inside the ark. They were dry, they had food and only with their eyes did they behold the day of the wicked…..psalm 91

Abba showed me that He is calling His children into the rhythm of His heartbeat, He prepared a safe place for us, and in the times to come we will be safe, we will be taken care of. When you are connected to His heart you will be in His perfect will and you will move in His divine protection and in His divine provision. You will experience a peace that surpasses all understanding, the cares and fears of this world will not move you for you are then abiding in the secret place, you are kept safe and secure in the bosom of the Father, close to His heart.

This place has been prepared for all to enter in. Jesus died and gave His life so that we can have access. . .

Matthew 6:24

No man can serve two masters: for either he. will hate the one, and love the other; or else. he will hold to the one, and despise the other, Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

Choose this day whom you want to serve, you cannot serve two masters

It is time to enter into the ark, heart of the Father, the secret place, prepared for us, the door has been opened through His Son Jesus Christ.

Psalm 91 Amplified Bible (AMP)

Security of the One Who Trusts in the Lord.

91 He who [a]dwells in the shelter of the Most High
Will remain secure and rest in the shadow of the Almighty [whose power no enemy can withstand].
I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress,
My God, in whom I trust [with great confidence, and on whom I rely]!”

Much love and many blessings
Linda Chuter – Lady Rose