Warrior Parents
Jeremiah 31:16-17
Thus says the LORD, “Restrain your voice from weeping and your eyes from tears, for your work will be rewarded,” says the LORD; “And your children will return from the enemy’s land. There is [confident] hope for your future,” says the LORD; “Your children will come back to their own country.
It’s time to stand up and Fight for our children – this generation of David’s – Joshua’s – Esther’s and Deborah’s
I woke up this morning with a burden on my heart for our children.
I speak to parents almost every day – their hearts are breaking for their children – I listen to n how they cry over the phone and I feel helpless. This morning I woke up with these words in my Spirit “It’s time to stand up and do something- it’s time to stand up and fight TOGETHER for our children “
When the enemy comes after our children we tend to become self-absorbed- we become emotionally entangled in a battle of the mind for our children – fear creeps in and consumes us – fear paralyzes you and makes you ineffective – by allowing fear to come into our hearts we are giving the enemy more power over our children – fear means we don’t trust!
It’s time to step out of the enemy’s emotional arena and step into Abba Father’s court of Justice and overthrow
Instead of worrying let’s start praying and instead of just praying for your own child let’s start praying for all the children and for this generation.
Today I want to say to every parent crying out for their children – you are not alone – let’s take hands and strengthen each other’s arms
This is what I want to do
We cannot win this fight on our own and if we stay in an emotional place of fear for our children the enemy will win…
It’s time to rise above our emotions- above what we see with our eyes and fear in our hearts – it’s time to declare the truth of heaven and stand in the courts of Justice!
There is a book written over every child in heaven – the Truth over them was declared even before they were created. It’s time to believe and stand for who Abba said they were even before He created them…
Psalm 139: 16
16 Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them. 16 You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.
We are going to join forces – I am going to start a group.
From Monday 2 October until 22 October for 21 days, we are going to pray together for our children. This generation. Quinton and I will share scripture – prayers and what’s on our hearts in the group.
Send me your number if you want to be a part of the group.
Exodus 17:12
When Moses’ hands grew tired, they took a stone and put it under him and he sat on it. Aaron and Hur held his hands up–one on one side, one on the other–so that his hands remained steady till sunset. So Joshua overcame the Amalekite army with the sword.
This generation is fighting a war and it’s time for us (Moses – the older generation) to come in alongside one another and intercede – together we will see them win and overcome.
Much love
Quinton and Linda
Warrior Parents Day 01
Day one of Warrior parents teachings and supporting files....
Warrior Parents Day 02
Day two of Warrior parents teachings and supporting files....
Warrior Parents Day 03
Day three of Warrior parents teachings and supporting...
Warrior Parents Day 04
Day four of Warrior parents teachings and supporting...
Warrior Parents Day 05
Day five of Warrior parents teachings and supporting...
Warrior Parents Day 06
Day six of Warrior parents teachings and supporting files....
Warrior Parents Day 07
Day seven of Warrior parents teachings and supporting...
Warrior Parents Day 08
Day eight of Warrior parents teachings and supporting files.
Warrior Parents Day 09
Day nine of Warrior parents teachings and supporting...
Warrior Parents Day 10
Day ten of Warrior parents teachings and supporting files....
Warrior Parents Day 11
Day eleven of Warrior parents teachings and supporting...
Warrior Parents Day 12
Day twelve of Warrior parents teachings and supporting...
Warrior Parents Day 13
Day thirteen of Warrior parents teachings and supporting...
Warrior Parents Day 14
Day fourteen of Warrior parents teachings and supporting...
Warrior Parents Day 15
Day fifteen of Warrior parents teachings and supporting...
Warrior Parents Day 17
Day seventeen of Warrior parents teachings and supporting...
Warrior Parents Day 18
Day eighteen of Warrior parents teachings and supporting...
Warrior Parents Day 20
Day twenty of Warrior parents teachings and supporting...
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